My Eschatology; “Sola Scriptura Interpretatur Prophetia,” Meaning “Only Scripture Interprets Prophecy.”

My Eschatology

Sola Scriptura; “Sola Scriptura Interpretatur Prophetia ,” Meaning “Only Scripture Interprets Prophecy.” These blog interpretations in Eschatology were extracted using a technique I stumbled upon 37-years ago when I was in Bible school, that seemed the most superior method to me when studying historical church error early church history Church error can always be traced back to those theologians that place higher emphasis upon church tradition and how things were traditionally done and how traditionally scripture was interpreted. The problem with this theological view is it assumes everything is perfect and Christianity never needs improvement.For example there was a time in distant past that God would appear to certain men we now mostly call prophets and that many assume that still occurs today, but according to scripture it does not and we would be in error if we said it did because according to John’s last words in the bible we are not to add or take away even one word to the bible, Rev. 22:18-19. Some preachers & theologians would say this only applies to the book of Revelation because it says book of prophecy, but that is also error because John was quoting four people when he was quoting that meaning five perfect witnesses, Moses in Deut. 4:2 in which Moses met with Our Father God on a regular basis in person so Moses was quoting Our Father God in Heaven, let us not forget John received the words from Jesus Christ who brought them from his Father, Rev. 1:9-19. There are those that might claim that this is John speaking what he thinks is right but they would also be in error because it is clearly taught in Revelation that every single word John was to write or not write was being micromanaged by God himself using his angels by authority to micromanage John’s writing of each and every word, Rev. 10:1-4; 10:11. Some might also say these are all just coincidences and there are other scriptures that teach otherwise but they would also be in error. These teachings of “Sola Scriptura Interpretatur Prophetia,” in fact is all over scripture and this same theme is in so much of scripture that all theology will be changed no matter how many pastors, ministers, denominational elders kick and scream because their authority is being taken and lost. This is because the time of denominations are now over and all seminaries will soon close because God is taking away their authority to teach. How do we know these things? Read Gal. 1:11-24, Isaiah, 46:9-10. Then go read Gen. 2:17 and compare to Gen. 3:2-5. Now ask yourself honestly& spiritually. How many words did Adam and Eve take away from God’s words in the Garden of Eden from God’s original one sentence gospel Adam was instructed by God? Did Adam really teach exact word for word to Eve? Of course we are really not sure what exactly happened but these are the words of God breathed thru Moses so we must accept God’s account of what happened. And so from the very beginning “Oral Tradition,” failed as Adam failed to teach word for word what God said to Adam. Adam failed to teach Eve which was made of the flesh from his flesh, his rib for God had decided right after he taught Adam what he could and could not do he then made Eve, Genesis 2:18-19. But did you know there are many today in theology that still believe God appears and speaks to men in person placing these imaginary events equal to the word of God in the bible that God already closed all scriptures to be added to for our own protection? Read Rev. 22:18-19; 10:1-4; 10:11, Deut. 4:2, Gal. 1:11-24, Is. 46:9-10, Gen. 2:17; 3:2-5 again.

Now you need to also realize that God’s last two warnings to mankind are also the two main sins God is educating Jeremiah the prophet of Israel’s failure, are also a microcosm of mankind’s two sins, Jer. 2:13, because according to God’s only begotten Son we are all God’s children and he wants us all to return to him and be saved, Jn. 3:16, Rom. 10:9-13.

So witnesses of truth, how do you get rid of the false prophets everywhere? You starve them out for if you get a stick and beat them they point their finger at you and accuse you that darkness has sent you even though light is all around. Instead of giving your money to them you give it directly to those God has led your heart to assist with the gospel. Starve, starve starve them out. Then they will quit adding words to God’s holy words in scripture. Then find someone to replace them that is just a good reader, standing and reading scripture from front to back for this is God’s will from the beginning for all scripture and prophecies in the end are revealed by Our God, the only God that reveals the end in the beginning, Is. 46:9-10.

We are talking about the defense and early development of is commonly accepted as theological truth we call Trinitarian Doctrine. What I discovered was the black hole of inconclusiveness regarding the words of men we commonly address as theologians, church fathers, church leaders, ministers, elders, you fill in the designated underlined blank. When you study the history of Israel it is no different when comparing one king to another, one prophet to another, one temple leader to another. some supported the good prophet God breathed thru proving they were from God because of the miracles they did yet there were also many false prophets the King would support. Concluding truth was tortuous at best for me in those days and confusion ruled but I found a way that cut thru all the extraneous words spoken by all the degree carrying experts with long robes and tassels.

But then I discovered there were some church fathers that spoke as Christ did, like Athanasius of Alexandria—punished with exile on numerous occasions for his apologetic defense of Trinitarian doctrine versus common church error like Arianism much more common back then but is still around today with the Jehovah’s Witnesses which as I can figure it out is grace mixed with Mosaic law and the belief that Christ was not God in the flesh as John 1:1-28 indicates. The JW’s started as a men’s bible study movement in the mid 1800’s in which their founder Charles Taze Russel, reinterpreted the bible going back to the Greek and Latin and their world translation as I figure is only different then a couple words which changes John 1:1 from ending “the Word was God,” to “the word became a god,” as in a false god lower case g. This all started with the infamous heretic Arius that denied the deity if Christ, which according to the Apostle & Prophet John cannot have the Father either so this is one form of Antichrist Doctrine , for he who denies the Son also cannot have the the Father, 1st John 2:22-23. So as far as Arianism goes it was Antichrist doctrine, as to how that relates to the modern JW movement it seems the same, but we will let God figure that out in the end , right? I believe what is going to happen with them and the other parts of Church is they will be part of the half of Christianity that does not make the rapture and is left behind to spread the gospel during Tribulation, Matthew 24:1-13. For the parts of Christianity that look down on the rest of us committing Religious Idolatry, they are half of Christianity the 5-virgins left behind with the chattering teeth, Matthew 24:1-13. You always see them for sale at resell stores  for 50 cents used, buy one and highlight it so you can learn. They believe all those words they carry in their little magazines and pamphlets are superior over someone quoting the NKJV bible. They insult bible readers by believing Bible-Thumpers are making the word (bible) a false god. The easiest way to get rid of the JW’s is to take out a bible and start quoting scripture. They really are not sincere and not interested in discussing truth only interested in showing people how to commit Religious Idolatry, Rev.22:18, Deut. 4:2. This does not get any funnier because they turn around almost running out of the house. Never pray with them because demons are following them everywhere and they all commit Religious Idolatry according to Rev.22:18, Deut. 4:2.      occasions for his unwavering commitment to the truth. Other Church-Fathers also defending Trinitarian doctrine from the onslaught of Arianism church error were what are classified as the Cappadocian Fathers: Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianzas, and Gregory of Nyssa.

We find in the letters back and forth between the Arians and these Church Fathers was that the Arians were appealing to the truth in their traditions as to why the Arian’s beliefs were the correct beliefs and that was Christianity but these Church Fathers I just mentioned were appealing to a higher authority to scripture which by definition is Sola Scripture that only scripture reveals other scripture that is supported also, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut.4:2, Gal. 1:11-24.


that were not pointing to other men’s words but were pointing to God’s words as breathed thru the prophets as evidence supporting their interpretation and then a light bulb did go on and I then realized there was a way that smacked of a greater authority, to find what truth was by what Christ did, what the Apostle Paul did, Gal. 1:11-24, and even what Moses did, Deut. 4:2. For the Apostle Paul after being blinded and healed 3-days later went to no disciple that walked with Christ, no seminary nor church either, but went to Arabia to study Old Testament scripture to see if this Son of God Jesus Christ was truly who appeared to him blinding him, because all truth comes from scripture and sometimes truth come by the words of men but mostly not so and God raised Paul up with miracle after miracle proving what he was saying was true and Our Father in Heaven breathed so many words thru the Apostle Paul filling the New Testament with 2/3rd’s of the Apostle Paul’s words, so many in fact that the only one with more words in the New Testament was Jesus Christ.

act opposite both being diametrically opposed. And even when looking and comparing their credentials which were always impressive with all these degrees and awards yet yet for the life of me I could not determine what the truth was because they both completely contradicted each other.  And when other theologian’s views were obtained to further the study there was no enlightenment; no light bulb in my brain went off, but instead, each new theologian introduced resulted in only more and more confusion a swimmer being drawn deeper and deeper into the ocean from a riptide. But what I discovered is Christ had exactly no problem with this because Christ did not even look at the theologians they called the Pharisees and Sadducee at that time.

No, Christ interpreted scripture by other scriptures the This style of preach is the most authoritative because your never quoting the words of men, but rather instead you are quoting the words of God and one cannot be more authoritative than quoting God’s words. This is a double bonus for new preachers because it is hard for those questioning authority to counter interpretations proven by other scriptures. If you already employ or use this type of interpretation you are in good company for it is first recorded in scripture God breathed thru Moses himself when he says do not add or take away one word from the word of God, Deut. 4:2. started  and the words of our church Fathers were battling church error that was creeping into church doctrine like Arianism (still around today as Jehovah’s Witnesses) condemned at Council of Nicaea 325 A.D.,  that was started early in our church fathers when battling against early errors and false gospels like Arianism before Trinitarian Doctrine was accepted as main doctrine of Christianity: Sola Scriptura, the cry of the early church fathers later became the cry of the reformation and reformers like Martin Luther Calvin and others in the Reformation. Francis Schaeffer quoted the Latin phrase Sola Scriptura often in his teaching & coursework on Christian history and the Reformation. Here are the prophetic bible commentaries & interpretations of RobertLeeRE, whose ministry started on formerly as a blogger in 1999 on Xanga.


Eschatology is defined as the study of prophecy, prophecy as when it comes to eschatology is defined as the “last,” the “final,” the “judgment of mankind,” the study of the future, near future or happenings of this generation of the Christ followers according to God’s words breathed through the prophets now in the love letter to mankind, commonly known as the bible.

Eschatology is a major branch in Theology like Chemistry or Geology are a branch in Biology.

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The way this site works is that everything is already categorized for you. If you want to go to all my sermons on the Antichrist you click the link that says Antichrist in Scripture. Then all the links of the sermons will come up. You then just scroll to view the different sermons. When you get to the end of the sermon keep scrolling to get to the next sermon in that same category or click the link that returns you to this Home Page. I repeat all sermons in that category will come up on that link so you can just scroll through the different Antichrist sermons. To get back to this homepage you click the “Back to Home Page Sermon Index,” at the bottom of the sermon. here are all the links:

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Thank-you for visiting and reading the word of God on my site. If you have any prayer requests let me know,

God Bless,

Brother RobertLeeRE


I am a prolific writer and interpreter of biblical prophecy for today's generations of Christians. I also am a witness of God's soon coming judgment of the city of man, the best man could build, Babylon the Great, now known to be America, that will fall in one day, one hour as breathed through the Evangelist Apostle John, clearly described Revelation 18:1-24. I also am witness to the Beast rising in the Middle East known as Islam, whom the Antichrist will rise through, as a Beast Man, known as the 12th Mahdi, will usher in uncontrolled world nuclear proliferation as clearly described by the prophet Joel 2:1-11, breathed through John the Apostle in Revelation 9:13-21, but one of the three unholy trinity kings Beasts, two of which are men, that emerge just east of the Euphrates River, where Islam rules, also where the four Fallen Angels were released that were bound at this same Euphrates River, Revelation 9:13-21, whom were responsible for the plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that kills 1/3rd of mankind. We witnesses that support this ministry, drinking at this trough, are not prophets, but witnesses pointing to God's truth in the love letter he wrote for all mankind to see.

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